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Should You Add Milk to Your Tea?

Should You Add Milk to Your Tea?
Should You Add Milk to Your Tea?

If you’re a tea-lover, you’ve probably heard the debate about adding milk to your favourite cup. Some people swear by it, while others consider adding milk to be a sin. So does adding milk really reduce the health benefits of tea? Let's explore this question in more detail

The Benefits of Tea

Tea has been popular for centuries, and for good reason. Whether you prefer green, black or herbal tea, each type offers its own unique set of health benefits. Generally speaking, drinking tea can help boost your immune system, aid digestion and promote healthy skin. All types of teas also contain antioxidants that can help protect your body from free radicals and slow down the ageing process.

What Happens When You Add Milk?

Many people add milk to their tea because they enjoy the creamy texture and flavour that it provides. But what happens when you add milk? Well, it turns out that adding milk can actually reduce some of the beneficial compounds found in teas like polyphenols and flavonoids. While these compounds are not completely destroyed by adding milk, studies have found that they are significantly reduced when combined with dairy products like whole or skimmed milk.

Does That Mean I Shouldn’t Add Milk?

Not necessarily! As mentioned before, many people enjoy the taste of tea with added milk—and that's perfectly okay! If you want to get the full health benefits from your cup of tea without sacrificing flavour, try using non-dairy alternatives like almond or soy milk instead. These alternatives won't reduce the beneficial compounds in your tea as much as regular cow's milk will so you can still get all the immune-boosting goodness without compromising on taste.

Adding milk to your tea is a personal preference—but if you’re looking to get all of its health benefits without compromising on taste then try using non-dairy alternatives like almond or soy instead! While regular cow's milk may slightly reduce some beneficial compounds found in teas like polyphenols and flavonoids, alternative milks won't have as much effect on them so you can enjoy your favourite cup knowing that it’s packed full of vitamins and minerals!

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