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Sustainability Matters: How to Choose a Sustainable Ceylon Tea Brand

Ceylon tea is an absolute British classic, enjoyed by generations of families since the 1800s. But with so many brands on the market, it’s important to choose one that takes sustainability seriously. In this article, we’ll take a look at exactly what to consider when picking your perfect tea.

What is Sustainable Tea?

Sustainable tea is grown in ways that help conserve natural resources and protect the environment. This means reducing the amount of water and energy used in processing, limiting chemical use, preventing soil erosion, and helping local communities thrive. It also means making sure workers on tea farms have fair wages and safe working conditions.

Organic vs Non-Organic Tea

Organic farming involves using natural processes such as crop rotation and composting to keep soils healthy and prevent pests without using chemicals or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic teas are often more expensive than non-organic varieties but generally taste better because they’re grown without any artificial inputs. Make sure you check for organic certification when buying tea from a brand—it should be displayed clearly on product packaging or online store listings.

Fairtrade Certification

Fairtrade certification guarantees that workers on tea farms receive fair wages and safe working conditions as well as access to healthcare services, education opportunities, and other benefits. This can make a huge difference to workers in rural areas where there is limited access to these basic necessities. So if you’re looking for a sustainable Ceylon tea brand, make sure you check whether their products are Fairtrade certified before purchasing them!

Certified B Corporations

B Corporation certification is awarded to companies that meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. Companies must prove that they’re taking meaningful steps towards sustainability in order to become certified B Corporations—so if you want your cup of tea to contribute towards improving the world around us then look out for this label when shopping!

When it comes to choosing a sustainable Ceylon tea brand there are lots of factors at play – from organic certifications to Fair Trade certifications – but all of them point towards one thing: ensuring that our favourite beverage is produced responsibly so everyone involved benefits from its production process. By doing your research into sustainable brands you can ensure that your cuppa isn’t just delicious – but ethically sourced too! So next time you reach for the teapot why not think about where each ingredient came from? You might be surprised at what you find out! After all… sustainability matters!

Certificates held my Mui Té's supplier

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