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Tea Up: The Best Teas to Drink When You're Sick

Tea Up: The Best Teas to Drink When You're Sick
Tea Up: The Best Teas to Drink When You're Sick

Nothing quite hits the spot when you’re feeling under the weather like a cup of hot tea. Whether it’s a sore throat, stomach ache, or just general malaise, there is nothing better than curling up on the couch with a blanket and a steaming mug of your favourite brew. But what kind of tea should you be drinking when you’re sick? Here’s a look at some of the best teas for soothing your symptoms and getting you back to health in no time

Chamomile Tea

When it comes to soothing teas, chamomile is definitely at the top of the list. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help reduce swelling in your throat, while also calming your nerves at bedtime. So if you’re struggling with an irritated throat or having trouble sleeping due to coughing fits, sip some chamomile tea before bed for instant relief

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is great for easing nausea and settling upset stomachs. It also helps reduce inflammation in your digestive system which can be helpful if you’re dealing with diarrhoea or cramps. Plus, ginger has natural immune-boosting properties that can help strengthen your body against infections and viruses. A cup of freshly brewed ginger tea is just what the doctor ordered!

Green Tea

Green tea has numerous benefits when it comes to fighting illness. Its antioxidants not only fight inflammation but they also help fight off colds and flus by boosting immunity levels. Green tea is also loaded with catechins which are known for their antimicrobial activity – meaning they can fight off bacteria that could be making you sick. So if you’re feeling under the weather, make sure to have some green tea handy!

No matter what kind of sickness you might be dealing with, sipping on some delicious hot tea can do wonders for reducing your symptoms and helping speed up your recovery time. From chamomile for sore throats to ginger for an upset stomach and green tea for its immunity-boosting properties, these are some of the best teas to drink when you're feeling under the weather. So pour yourself a cup today—you deserve it!


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